Get the Best Property Management for Your East Harwich Home

Whether this is your first foray into the world of vacation rentals or you are an old pro in the business, there are always going to be worries about making the investment in a property in East Harwich. The good news is that you KNOW the location is destined to help it in its success, and the even better news is learning that we at New England Vacation Rentals have the knowledge and willingness to work with you to make this property your MOST successful! This guide will explain more about how we are the best property management option for your East Harwich home.
Treating Your Property as If It Is Our Own
This investment is a large one, and we would hate it if our own property failed to succeed, so we do everything in our power to help yours do well! Starting with home set up to ensure that your property appeals to everyone who sees it and ending with preparing the dreaded end of year forms needed by the IRS, you can sit back and relax, knowing your property is in good hands. We offer a multi-faceted marketing plan that puts your home in front of the maximum number of potential renters, and we take the pictures that put it in its best light. The internet has definitely revolutionized the vacation rental business, and we take full advantage of it, offering 24/7 online booking availability and acceptance of credit card payments. The world we live in is no longer a 9 to 5 one, so why should renting vacation homes be any different? We screen prospective tenants, collect the money, and pay state sales tax, and we constantly research the market to ensure that you are charging exactly the right amount because we know if you ask for too many tenants will scroll on by, and if you don’t charge enough, it is the same as throwing money out the window!
The Personal Side of the Business
Your East Harwich property is important to you, and if all we offered was the basics, marketing, maintenance, and financial, that would be a pretty good deal, but we offer a personal side as well. Travelers want to experience it all when they travel to Cape Cod, and with our help they will!
Call Us Today!
Waiting too long can just lose you money. Call us at 508-432-0900 or email us to get the process started!