Cranberry Bog Tours on Cape Cod

Most of our guests have seen the commercials where the two men are wearing hip waders and standing in a pool of water and bright red cranberries and probably thought it was unique, but did you know that those commercials are a realistic depiction of what a cranberry bog looks like? And furthermore, were you aware that Cape Cod is one of a very small number of states in which these bogs can be found? Although New Jersey, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin offer bogs of their own, it’s right here in Massachusetts where these sweet and tart berries were named and first put to use, and the tradition continues today. This cranberry bog tours on Cape Cod will allow you to learn even more fascinating tidbits!
Located at 1601 Factory Road in Harwich
There may be other cranberry bogs on Cape Cod, but this one, owned by the Cakounes, is the largest, most well-known, and the only one we know of that offers tours—tours that fill up quickly, by the way, and as such, it’s recommended you reserve your tour in advance or miss out altogether! Offered in the spring, summer, and fall, your entrance to the bogs will cost you $15 a person, which isn’t a lot of money when you consider all you will see and learn. In the interest of full truth, however, we must tell you that the cranberries won’t be floating in the waters during your tour, unless you happen to be touring during harvest time in the fall, and not just anytime in the fall; the floating berries only stay that way for 24 hours, so the odds are low that your tour will take place in that one day of the year, but trust us, they do float!
The animals you will see along the way and the information shared by the knowledgeable guides, however, should more than make up for any disappointment you may have over not being able to see the floating cranberries! Working farms are always interesting to visitors who assume that the cranberry sauce they enjoy at Thanksgiving really does come from a can, and a farm stand that is open seven days of the week during the three seasons offers the good stuff. Cranberry sauce, soaps, recipe books and cranberry flavored honey are amongst some of the treasures found in the farm stand of the Cranberry Bog Tours!
Cranberry Bog Tours on Cape Cod Has Something for Everyone
We at New England Vacation Rentals wake up every day feeling grateful we live where we do, and the Cranberry Bog Tours are just another wonderful example of how lucky we really are! We hope to see you soon on Cape Cod!