Every village, town, and region on Cape Cod offers its own singularly distinctive vibe, and if you are dipping your toes into vacation property ownership, starting your journey into the next stage of your life, you will want a property management company that tailors their business to the towns in which your property is located. You can’t be there yourself paying attention to all the details great and small so you need a company that knows the ins and outs of life on Cape Cod and knows how to market your biggest investment to all the right people! New England Vacation Rentals has made it our business to make your business a successful one and because we live here, we work here, we play here, we understand the unique differences between the different regions and when it comes time to find a company to manage your Lower Cape Airbnb, we are the first place you should look!

Taking Care of Your Property as If It Were Our Own

The relationship between owner and property management company can be a volatile one, but not when you choose New England Vacation Rentals! We understand that without you we would not have a business and we take our jobs very seriously, taking care of your property as if it were our own! We understand that a vacation home offers more than just a place to rest your head in between Cape adventures, it provides memories that can change the trajectory of guest’s lives. And somehow, we manage to balance guests wants with owners needs, creating a happy place in which all contributing parties can rest easily.

Maximizing Returns

Your Lower Cape property can be a lovely cottage located in the heart of Chatham, but if not marketed correctly, your return on investment may not meet your needs. We study the markets, exploring new trends and determining what works and what doesn’t. We know that a 3 bedroom, 2 bath can rent for more simply because there are two baths, and we know how to not price your “baby” out of the market. The care and attention we provide ensures that we maximize your returns, enabling you to continue on your path to a lovely retirement lifestyle.

Marketing Strategies

Getting your Lower Cape cottage seen by all the right people is the first step in making your investment property a success and by partnering with the major (and the minor!) vacation rental websites, larger groups of people are able to see why your home is the only home they want to temporarily make their own.

Keeping Your Home Safe

Chances are you probably don’t live anywhere near your new investment property. You can’t stop by after a big storm to make sure no branches have ended up in places they don’t belong. You can’t ensure that the home you rented to strangers is in as good of shape when they return it as it was when they first took residence. But you can hire a company that does the work for you, taking responsibility for its upkeep, ensuring that dishwashers wash and air conditioners cool, and fires stay in fireplaces where they belong. These are just a few examples of how we promise to keep your home in top shape, ensuring that it is the first choice of renters from all over the world.

The Latest in Technology

Although it can be frustrating at times, technology is important to the success of all businesses, including your vacation rental property located on the Lower Cape. We offer a mobile app that provides owners with a crystal clear picture of everything that is taking place with their home and also offers discounts for businesses that are in the area of where your home is located!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

When you are really good at something, an arrogance can develop that is off putting to everyone you deal with, but even though our property management team of New England Vacation Rentals are the best in the country, we still keep it humble. We know that no matter how much we can do for you, the owner, we would be nowhere without you and our owner’s satisfaction guarantee is just that. We aren’t happy with the job we have done until you are 100 percent satisfied (and delighted!) with all we have offered, so if you have a question or concern, please call and let us know what you need!

So Much More

Touching on the big points might help draw your interest, but we think it is the so much more that will keep you one of New England Vacation Rentals most satisfied clients! We take care of all the details, from advertising to zoning regulations, ensuring that all you have to do is set back, relax, and watch your retirement coffers grow. Give us a call today!